Private Social Media? We’re Trying.

Rita Ting-Hopper
2 min readSep 17, 2020


“Private social media” is a bit of an oxymoron. Media is intended to be shared and it is hard to be private if you want to be social about sharing. The Social Dilemma is the docudrama about how “not private” the big tech companies are. They integrate personal data with algorithms to manipulate our behavior for the goal of capitalization and monetization. So, what now?

Avoiding tech giants like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is just not realistic. We can’t really control how people use our data when we keep giving it to them.

A new research study shows that social media privacy might not be possible- as explained by Nicole Lindsey, a writer of more than 10 yrs focusing on technology innovation and privacy.

Is the future of social media private? That was explored by Inside hook mentioning Friendcamp as a new platform but you have to pay to use it. No one likes paying for things, especially social media when it’s been free ever since the beginning of the digital age. Mashable listed 10 private social networks including Nextdoor. But is it really that private when I saw an ad for heater lamps on Nextdoor, just after googling heat lamps an hour ago.

My conclusion is, as long as there are ads and media content, privacy and data will be an issue. So we are replacing on-line media with off-line activities and keeping the data private. Instead of sharing media, you can share dinner, pop-up deal, workout, …activities, and events. The creator controls who sees it and who can attend. Only information related to the activity and transactions are shared between the creators and the guests. You follow people to see them in real life, not their content. People have to spend time with you face-to-face before they can “like” you on Festi. 🤔 There are no ads. In order to build a “private social media”- we are focusing on private and social. We exist to build community. It’s just a tool, like a bicycle. You’ll always be in control and we’ll take you as far as you want to go. — Rita



Rita Ting-Hopper

Ex-litigator turned Entrepreneur. Tamed tiger mom. Wanna-be-snow boarder. Founder of Festi